Global Dance Overture
International project of Kostroma Russian National Ballet

Global Dance Overture, an international cultural and educational project aims to make audiences from BRICS member states acquainted with the history and multinational cultural diversity of Russia. It also involves establishing a platform for joint work of representatives of the BRICS choreographic to implement cultural and educational projects in folk choreography, including cross-study and promotion of the friendly states’ culture s in their countries.
Project Aims
  • Familiarizing the civil society of the BRICS countries with folk dance culture of Russia, as well as mutual studying of BRICS countries’ dance culture and its popularization among general public

  • Promoting the interpenetration of the BRICS countries’ folk dance cultures for the subsequent formation of common value guidelines and a common cultural concept of the interstate association

  • Forming sustainable ties between choreographic groups of BRICS countries and building a new model of creative interaction between them

  • Attracting the attention of BRICS choreographic communities to the activities of the BRICS Alliance of Folk Dance (the protocol on the establishment of the Alliance was signed by the ministers of culture of the BRICS member states at the Cultural Forum in St. Petersburg (Russia) in September 2024)

Project Objectives "Global Dance Overture"

  • familiarization of the peoples of the BRICS countries with the folk dance culture of the member countries of the interstate association, the development of interest in its cross-study among representatives of the choreographic community;
  • training of professional personnel who will promote the folk dance culture of Russia in their countries;
  • establishment of personal, creative and business contacts between representatives of the choreographic community of the BRICS countries for further interaction in the implementation of creative projects and educational programs;
  • the development of sympathy between the peoples of the BRICS countries and their unification on the basis of folk dance culture.
"Global dance Overture" is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Presentation of Global Dance Overture (video)
Click to watch

The cultural part of the project is presented by the Russian National Dance Show performed by Kostroma Russian National Ballet. The audience will be acquainted with folk dance culture of nations living in Russia.
Russian National Dance Show “Kostroma”
Russian National Dance Show “Kostroma”
The Russian National Dance Show “Kostroma” is the performance showing the history of Rus’ and its peoples and expanding time and space with unlimited abilities of dance art.

Major historic events, customs and traditions of multinational Russia demonstrate the uniqueness of hundreds of national cultures and immerse the audience in the times of the Baptism of Rus’, the Russian Empire and the USSR showing life of people from the Arctic North, southern steppes, mountains of the Caucasus, and Central Russia.
Kostroma Russian National Ballet
Kostroma Russian National Ballet is one of the youngest professional dance teams presenting traditional art of dance in the Russian Federation. Established in 1991, it was given the status of Kostroma Region cultural heritage in 2013.
The performances by the Ballet unite the past, the present and the future explodes stereotypes, expands horizons of new culture. It enchants spectators with its natural elegance, harmony and the unique Russian spirit. The logo of the Ballet demonstrate the powerful unity of art and tradition that enables Ballet dancers to demonstrate the culture of their country through the language of dance that needs no translation and is clear to each and every one.

The Ballet shows around 150 solo performances a year. It is a regular member of state cultural events. The Ballet has often represented Russia on the international and state level.

The educational pert of the project, The International Creative Dacha, will enable a deeper acquaintance with Russian Folk dance and equip choreographers and dancers with knowledge and skills to be used in instruction and performances.

The International Creative Dacha
The International Creative Dacha is the educational part of The Global Dance Overture project. It includes choreographic internships for choreographers, students of choreographic schools and professional dancers from BRICS member states in Kostroma, in the rehearse rooms of Kostroma Russian National Ballet and the Governorate Ballet School (college) – an educational institution that trains future folk dancers.

Participants will enjoy a rich cultural and excursion programme.

The internship will result not only in enrichment of professional experience and methodological materials, but also in a ready-for-stage Russian national dance to be used in further performances.

As part of the implementation of Global Dance Overture project in the BRICS countries, representatives of the choreographic community of friendly countries will be able to take part in master classes on the dance culture of the peoples of Russia.
The Governorate Ballet School (college)
The choreographic college – The Governorate Ballet School – is responsible for the educational part of the project, The International Creative Dacha. The college, established in 2002, aims to train young, strong, professional generations of Kostroma Russian National Ballet. The instruction is based on traditional methods as well as on cultivating love for culture and history. The institution provides programmes of vocational education to future young professionals.
The college operates The Choreography School for Children – an institution of supplemental learning that aims at aesthetic education for young people and prepares children to enter the Governorate Ballet School.
Prospects of the Project
  • The Festival of Dance Culture of BRICS countries in Moscow

  • Implementation of the project in new BRICS member states

Building 1, House 70, Simanovsky Street, Kostroma, 156002
Tel.: +7 (4942) 313​ 806
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used solely for demonstration purposes. Please do not use them for commercial purposes.
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